Tuesday, 31 March 2020

3 Incredible Ways To Make Your Brand Innovative & Memorable


Let’s be realistic you guys, unless someone has a startup based on a really new and unheard of idea; we often find ourselves being a part of a common industry. Be it health/life/career/business coaches, real estate agents, finance advisors, fashion designers, travel bloggers etc etc or in my case a brand designer, we end up being one of the MANY in our respective fields! So it is very much possible to get lost in the crowd if you are doing the same ordinary thing OR try your hand at being extraordinary by adding a dash of innovation to your work, make your business memorable and scale! I’m pretty sure if you are reading this, you want to do the latter! Since I always want to help and support fellow entrepreneurs, I want to share 3 Incredible ways to make your brand innovative & memorable! Read on..


The product or service being offered by you might be a common one but you can really make it innovative by packaging it well. Packaging does not only mean stunningly gorgeous products stocked on store shelves that get consumers drooling over them but in this context, packaging also means elevating the experience of your offering by presenting it in a way that is super valuable to your end user. It might sound like it’s easier said than done, so let me explain with the help of an example.

Let’s say you are a health + wellness coach. A big part of your job is to help your clients with mindfulness. So, what if you can offer your clients a short technique tutorial of basic meditation? Your clients get something extra on top of what they are paying you for (we all love the extras!) + an amazing new learning that they can practice to stay healthy even after they are done working with you + they will always remember you and give you referrals (lead generation you guys!). That’s a win-win isn’t it?

When your offerings are packaged well with valuable complimentary extras, that helps you in not just being memorable but also goes a long way in relationship building.


The second and a very important to-do is to identify your USP (Unique Selling Point). The whole idea here is to let your unique personality traits seep into the work you do. You might be in a common field of business but the fact remains that there is only one unique YOU. By adding your unique touch to the way you do business, makes the world of difference and let’s your brand become extraordinary. Let me back this up with an example: 

You are a real estate developer and your USP is that you are an avid traveler with an eye for upscale interior designs. Now, if you bring in this part of your personality into your work, you would be able to share your unique interior design ideas with your clients who are looking for guidance to make their homes stand out. Wouldn’t that be awesome and help you leave a mark?


This one is super important! Always keep a tab on the likes/dislikes and pain points of your end users. Ask for feedback on your products or services and processes so that you can continually improve and make tweaks to your offerings to suit your users’ needs. This shows your users that you care and after all, your businesses thrive because of your end users so it’s not always about making money, empathy is a prerequisite.