Thursday, 24 June 2021

Website Automation For Service Providers To Book Dream Clients Easily

 Getting new business and working with dream clients is exciting for service providers! For this to happen, you need your people to get on a call with you to experience your magic and understand exactly how your services will help them reach their goals. Especially when you are offering services in a premium space like interior design, custom builds, home staging, etc, you need to make sure that the experience you are providing to your people is smooth for them to take the next step with you. The more conversations you have, the more chances there are for conversions to happen. The last thing you want is to be losing business because of a bad website user experience. So let’s learn how this scenario can be avoided.

But first friend, if you’re new here, let me introduce you to my branding studio where I get to create stellar brands for beautiful humans. I specialize in branding for interior designers, personal brands, and creative service providers. Helping and supporting you to get you to the next level in your business, is what I am obsessed with. Check out how I can help you here!

Moving on to the topic for this blog post..

When you are offering high-ticket services, your processes should be solid so that your people feel guided. Therefore, it’s a great practice to lead the way for your potential clients to follow so that they know the next step they need to take to work with you or at the very least get in touch with you.

So here’s a quick and simple website automation tip for you to implement right away that will ensure a smooth and profitable client experience!

Make sure that you have a clear Call To Action button right at the beginning of the homepage of your website and also throughout it if it’s a long scroll. It could be a simple “Book A Consultation” or “Schedule A Call”, etc. Link this button to your preferred scheduler - Calendly, Acuity, or any other
This simple automation provides a hassle-free experience to your potential clients as you can avoid the manual back & forth of scheduling a time to get together. This ensures that you’re no
t losing any business from the get-go because of the lack of a clear next step!

That’s it, it’s that simple! With the time and energy you’re going to save with this automation, go prep for a killer sales call or consultation and floor your potential client! They are waiting for your magic! Also, make sure you have everything in place to impress them so that your brand stays with them long after your initial conversation. Check out my post on instantly impressing dream clients & increasing conversions because some leads take their sweet time to convert so make sure you’re unforgettable during the time gap.

Good luck!!


3 Quick & Actionable Ways To Attract Your Dream Clients


As soon as your ideal customer stumbles upon your brand through your website or social media, one of two things will happen. They will either find something that will catch their interest and makes them stay to learn more OR they don’t find what they are looking for and they end up moving on. The latter would be a bad case scenario which is why you need to make that instant connection with your target audience and hook them in. 

Based on my experience in branding for interior designers and creatives, I bring you quick and easy tips that you can implement and attract dream clients for your service-based business. So, let’s dive right in!


We are surrounded by visual imagery in this day and age. Images have stepped up to do all the talking for a brand as people quickly scan to see if what you are offering is for them. Therefore using the right brand images that connect with people on an emotional level, is a very key factor to hook a potential client to your brand. Gone are the days of cheesy stock photos that look and feel fake! Having said that, not everyone has the budget to invest in custom, branded photography. So in that case stock photography is perfectly fine but you should know how to pick the right photos that represent your brand values + hit the right note in making your customers feel great. 

For example: If you are a spiritual coach helping people with anxiety and depression, your brand images should make your ideal customers feel calm and motivated. Here are some image examples..

Some of my favorite places to find amazing, high quality, non-stocky photos are - Pexels, Unsplash, and Reshot

Go find some unique pictures for your brand that speak directly to your ideal target audience!


Although the stock photos that you end up using will do their part in making people feel what your brand wants to convey. However, do not forget or ignore the fact that your own pictures do more for your brand than stock photos can ever do. Stock photos can complement the vibe and tone that’s set by you. You are the face, the real human behind your brand! So share your story, how you started, your picture, your process, behind-the-scenes stuff and so much more. You have amazing tools at your disposal to do the sharing - your website, multiple social media channels, etc. This is a great way to show the human side of your brand that your audience can relate to and connect with on a personal level.


Did you realize that every word that is a part of your brand messaging has the power to attract and convert your ideal audience into loyal customers? If you never gave it much thought, it’s time you rethink your copy and make it more intentional. Here are a few tips to up-level your brand’s copy so that it genuinely attracts and converts!

· Plan your copy. Every time you write (website section, blog, email campaign, or a social media post), the copy needs to be carefully planned around a subject to get your message across clearly and in the shortest time frame possible.

· Get creative with headlines and introductions. Here are a few easy ways you can improve your website’s introduction :)

· Keep the body of text bulleted and concise for increased readability.

· Wherever applicable, include a CTA (Call To Action). A CTA ensures that you are providing the reader with an actionable next step. Typical examples look like - Buy Now, Learn More, Schedule A Call, Download, etc. You can also get creative with the CTA’s which brings me back to thoughtful copy-writing. Writing an enticing statement or question before the CTA button, makes the reader want to click! 

Are you having trouble attracting your dream clients who are a perfect fit for your services? The problem is not with your brand but the way you present it. 

Keep these tips bookmarked so you can return to them when you begin making necessary tweaks. And, as always, I’m here as a resource the whole way through :)

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

5 Reasons Why You Will Love A Squarespace Website As An Interior Designer

 When selling high ticket services and offers in a highly competitive space like interior design & consulting, you need a website platform that completely supports your business and makes it show up in an upscale and up-leveled way that matches or better yet - highlights the quality of your work. That is why if you’re an interior designer reading this post, I guarantee that you will LOVE a Squarespace website for your interior design business! It is THE platform that is being used and a popular choice for premium space service providers for good reasons, a few of which I will be sharing with you in this blog post.

Disclaimer: I am not a Squarespace affiliate. I am a user myself and having expertise in branding for interior designers, my purpose here is to help you choose a website platform that takes your business forward.

With that out of the way, let’s dive in, shall we? In a hurry? Make sure to pin this image so that you can come back to it later.


When you’re operating in a visual industry, you cannot ignore the look, feel, and aesthetics of your own brand when you’re trying to attract dream clients to uplevel the look, feel, and aesthetic of their homes. The way your brand comes across, speaks volumes about the quality of your work. The chances of your dream clients trusting you more are higher when they see you make the effort to come across in a neat, visually pleasing way. Your website is probably the number one way for them to experience your brand so you better make sure it’s impressive! This is where Squarespace really makes your brand shine. The grid-style structure offers a very neat, upscale, and minimalist aesthetic allowing your portfolio pieces and projects to pop making a statement leaving a lasting impression in your people’s minds while they navigate your website. Did I mention that the navigation is super easy too? No clutter and clunkiness to take the attention away from your gorgeous work! You never know, that could be a big reason for your dream client booking a discovery/consult call with you over someone else!

You will also like: 4 ways to instantly impress your dream clients and increase conversions!


You love visioning, designing, and your expertise lies in making beautiful spaces come together. So where does coding a website fit in? Nowhere really.

Squarespace lets you pick a template based on your core business needs and from there you can go on to showcasing your stunning work and invite your dream clients to work with you. Everything is seamless and easy to work with so you get to focus on providing transformational services to your clients rather than wasting precious time on figuring out complex updates and fixing glitches. Having said that, adding custom code to your Squarespace website is always an option if you want some out-of-the-box features and you’re comfortable around pieces of code. Not your cup of tea but you want some additional nice-to-have stuff? Totally okay! A Squarespace designer like myself can quickly and easily help you out with customizations.


When you’re just starting out and need an online presence quickly, Squarespace makes it really easy to put one together complete with all the basics. You do not have to spend a lot of brainpower building a website when you can be spending that precious mental energy where it’s needed the most - building your business! Squarespace websites are pretty much plug-and-play which makes things so convenient when you’re getting started. As your business grows and you feel the need to show up more professionally making sure you’re speaking to, attracting, and converting your dream clients effortlessly - leveling up the Squarespace website that you started with is also very doable rather than having to start from scratch! In my experience of branding for interior designers, a well-strategized brand translates seamlessly onto a Squarespace website primed to give an immersive experience to the audience leading to increased chances of conversions! Want expert eyes on your website to make it an effective, autopilot sales tool? Book a complimentary discovery call.



This is a big one. You’re always going to be working on new projects which means you always have to update and refresh your portfolio. Or maybe you need some copy edits or some photography needs to be updated from time to time. For every little thing like this, Squarespace allows you the flexibility to DIY without having to hire a professional every time unless you are looking for a major overhaul in which case working with a professional is a recommended choice. What I like to include in my website design process is - quick, easy-to-follow tutorial videos that help my clients get really comfortable with the Squarespace interface. These videos guide them on exactly how they can make edits and updates to their newly built website. All of that without ever touching even a line of code!


Squarespace offers everything you need to run your interior design business - all under one roof per se without you having to add on any plugins. That makes your life as a busy creative so much easier! All your tools like blogs, email marketing, scheduling, etc can be taken care of when you subscribe to one of Squarespace’s plans. Also, buying and hosting your domain on Squarespace is a quick setup as well, something that you can do on your own or a Squarespace designer can help you with it.

So if you’re looking for a safe, easy-to-manage website platform that showcases your gorgeous work in a simple, minimal yet impactful way, you will absolutely love Squarespace for all its perks!

A Simple Website Automation For Service Providers To Book Dream Clients Easily

 Getting new business and working with dream clients is exciting for service providers! For this to happen, you need your people to get on a call with you to experience your magic and understand exactly how your services will help them reach their goals. Especially when you are offering services in a premium space like interior design, custom builds, home staging, etc, you need to make sure that the experience you are providing to your people is smooth for them to take the next step with you. The more conversations you have, the more chances there are for conversions to happen. The last thing you want is to be losing business because of a bad website user experience. So let’s learn how this scenario can be avoided.

But first friend, if you’re new here, let me introduce you to my branding studio where I get to create stellar brands for beautiful humans. I specialize in branding for interior designers, personal brands, and creative service providers. Helping and supporting you to get you to the next level in your business, is what I am obsessed with. Check out how I can help you here!

Moving on to the topic for this blog post..

When you are offering high-ticket services, your processes should be solid so that your people feel guided. Therefore, it’s a great practice to lead the way for your potential clients to follow so that they know the next step they need to take to work with you or at the very least get in touch with you.

So here’s a quick and simple website automation tip for you to implement right away that will ensure a smooth and profitable client experience!

Make sure that you have a clear Call To Action button right at the beginning of the homepage of your website and also throughout it if it’s a long scroll. It could be a simple “Book A Consultation” or “Schedule A Call”, etc. Link this button to your preferred scheduler - Calendly, Acuity, or any other. I personally use Calendly and love it, it’s so easy to set up! But you can go with whatever works best for you.

This simple automation provides a hassle-free experience to your potential clients as you can avo
id the manual back & forth of scheduling a time to get together. This ensures that you’re not losing any business from the get-go because of the lack of a clear next step!

That’s it, it’s that simple! With the time and energy you’re going to save with this automation, go prep for a killer sales call or consultation and floor your potential client! They are waiting for your magic! Also, make sure you have everything in place to impress them so that your brand stays with them long after your initial conversation. Check out my post on instantly impressing dream clients & increasing conversions because some leads take their sweet time to convert so make sure you’re unforgettable during the time gap.

Good luck!!



Wednesday, 9 June 2021

6 Simple Strategies To Get Repeat Business From Loyal Clients

 How do you feel about that outfit hanging in your closet that makes you look so "I-can-crush-it" confident? Or that much-hyped business course you bought which turned out to be quite under-delivered. There is something so powerful in the intangibles. Things that you cannot see or touch but just feel. If one particular thing made you feel great once, you will subconsciously develop trust towards it. It could be a person, a destination, a food item, or a brand. And likewise, for a negative feeling. You will never easily forget that either and you might not even give it another chance. Isn't it? So what do these feelings, good or bad, lead to? They lead to experience. Providing an exceptionally good experience to your clients is the number one factor that will make them come back to you over and over for more + send referrals your way!

“People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel.”

— Maya Angelou

Don't we all love a great experience? It's a no-brainer! For example - you're gonna sing praises of that book you recently bought because it had just the perfect amount of everything it claimed to have. You felt really satisfied after reading it so you will most likely pick up other books by the same author! That's the power of a great experience and that's what we are capable of providing to our clients. Because of this amazing experience you provide, your clients will become loyal fans who trust your expertise in their business. This really helps in getting repeat business and some awesome word of mouth marketing in the process is just one of the many sweet bonuses

So I will be diving into 6 strategies that you can implement to guarantee repeat business from loyal clients. Follow along!


I cannot stress on this one enough. Simplicity is the number one thing on my mind when I am branding for creatives who are busy business owners. Imagine if you had to go through a 10-page manual to understand how a product works or try and guess the process of working with a business coach, how would you feel? Frustrated, right? So we do not want to head that route. Make each step super simple for your clients and guide them along the way. Everything needs to be clearly laid out, easy to understand and the execution has to be super smooth as well. When everything is easy, the clients are going to have a great experience because YOU managed to save their time and mental energy that they can now use for another thing on their plate. Believe it or not, it’s going to be such a relief for your clients and they will not forget the heavy lifting you did for them!


Your business is built on some core values. These brand values are not something you jot down on your about page and then forget. Rather I would encourage you to internalize these values, make them a part of your daily doings and act on them on a regular basis. Let those values reflect in your work, brand identity, messaging on the website and social media, and most importantly in your in-person dealing with your clients. This is one great way of showing them that you do what you believe in. This also leads to your customers experiencing feel-good vibes towards you and helps in building a lasting relationship.



Don't we all LOOOVE it when someone makes us feel special? Even though freebies are a good way but the purpose of freebies mostly remains to attract clients. As creative CEOs, here's your chance to shine! The idea here is not just to attract but genuinely give your customers an experience they can remember. Dig into those gazillion ideas buzzing in your head and find creative ways to offer incentives to your customers that will make them go weak in the knees! For example: if you have sold a high-level coaching program to your clients, inside that program - you can throw in a couple of complimentary intensives or power-hours that you know will really benefit your clients. A small gesture from your end will add so much value to your client's life/business in addition to being a sweet surprise for them. Ask yourself - how would you feel if you got that special treatment? I for sure would love it!

You may also like: 3 Incredible Ways to Make Your Brand Innovative & Memorable


You completed the project or the job you were hired for. Now, what next? Don’t just abruptly let your engagement come to an end. Make sure, you are making an opportunity for a continued relationship. Give them something to celebrate a successful collaboration that also helps you stay top of mind. Sending a thoughtful gift is a great way to add a personalized touch that strengthens your relationship with your client. It’s not about the value of the gift (it could be a $20 Starbucks gift card), it’s about the gesture. You going the extra mile and thinking about your people is the thought that counts. As a creative service provider, you have the chance to get creative with client gifts! My personal favorite is Greetabl. It allows you to build your box with personalized messages, pictures, and more. I remember receiving one such gift a while ago and it had such a sweet personalized message printed inside the box. I still remember how my face lit up when I opened up that box + I have not thrown it away to this date nor forgotten who gave it to me!


There is a psychology behind every product we buy or service we choose to invest in. We feel a certain way about something and that feeling convinces us to make a purchase. As an example, I want to point you to Airbnb's incredible brand story. Airbnb is a trusted community marketplace for consumers to list, discover, and book unique accommodations for unique travel experiences. People feel so connected with this story and as a result, they have become loyal users. Airbnb has challenged the hotel industry and totally redefined an experience for millions of customers that they would choose Airbnb any day without a second thought. Your brand story, if told well also has the power to turn your clients into loyal fans who will continue to choose you because they are emotionally invested with your brand. Using story when I am branding for creatives using my signature brand strategy process, is how I differentiate my clients’ brands from their competitors in their industry.

This post I wrote sharing My 3 Step Formula To Craft Your Story will be super helpful for you to really stand out in your industry using storytelling. Go try it out!


Creating an exceptional experience for your clients involves a commitment from your end. A commitment to keep improving. Stay open to continuous learning - of your client's pain points and how you can make their life easier by adding more value. There is always scope to improve your process and offer more support to your people so that they reach their goals quicker and see the results faster. Lastly, whatever you do always overdeliver. That genuinely goes a long way!

That’s it, there you go. Keep practicing these tips to craft exceptional and unforgettable experiences for your amazing dream clients so that your brand always remains top of their minds and you get continued business from them. It’s the most authentic way to build a profitable brand.

And as always, I will keep rooting for you!

How To Make Your Creative Business 2X More Profitable?


Ever found yourself scrolling through your competitor’s Instagram feed eyeing the amazing work they are doing? Looking at and longing for the kind of dream projects they are landing left and right? That’s totally okay! It happens to everyone but….
Imagine YOURSELF being the one doing the amazing, high-end work, others will drool over! Imagine building a profitable business that sets the foundation for your future dream life!⁠ Let me tell you this - it is absolutely 100% possible. What you need is a solid brand strategy. Before you start feeling intimidated by the industry jargon, allow me to simplify it for you.

What is brand strategy to begin with and why do you need it?

In the simplest of terms, brand strategy is a big picture of your business. When this big picture is put together correctly, carefully considering all the business elements - it lays the foundation for a timeless, profitable brand. Isn’t that the end goal? This is the core of the work that we do at our brand + website design studio, branding for interior designers and creative service professionals like coaches, consultants, etc equipping their businesses to truly stand out.

It is not as overwhelming as it sounds, believe me! Not when there is a tried and tested process in place. We focus on a few different elements of your business to create a solid brand strategy but the 4 basic must-haves for a more profitable creative business are what I am diving into in this post.

Let’s do this!


You’re so passionate about your business and you want to get to every one of those million ideas that are buzzing inside your head. But to actually ensure that you will be productive in your approach, you need to take a step back and strategize. The most meaningful brand strategy stems from the roots of your business. Always begin with your why followed by freewriting about what your business does and what matters most to you as the passionate CEO of your business. Doing this activity really helps to bring out everything that is going on inside your head out into the open. In my process of branding for creatives, I call this step - business visioning!

It is so crucial because this is where you start to get really clear about your business goals making the brand strategy goal-focused and meaningful.


Every business is built on some values. These are the cornerstone of a business so that you can keep your business in check by reflecting upon these values. Because they play such a vital part in your brand strategy, putting these together may not happen right off the bat. This activity may need you to think deeply and iterate. With that said, let me guide you on how you can put together your core values on your own!

Start by listing down all the phrases, adjectives, and feelings words that feel like you want them to be a part of your brand and business. You can even make use of Power Thesaurus (it’s my favorite tool to use for my clients!). Feel free to write as many as you can think of. Once you have your words and phrases, start to categorize them based on similarity. Ideally, go for 3 main categories. This is your chance to eliminate any word that feels off. After this step, give a name to each of these 3 categories based on an ultimate feeling that all the words in that category represent. These 3 will become your final core values. Good job!

Inside my signature branding services, I help my clients identify these core values because they are essential in guiding the overall tone of the brand and helps the brand show up more authentically to attract the ideal audience.


These are your people! They will be the ones investing in your services AND bringing you referrals! Focusing your entire business on THEM and tailoring everything you do for them is exactly what you need to attract them. This is the reason why I spend a good chunk of time with my clients hashing out everything about their target audience helping them gain expertise. Based on this information, I conduct in-depth research and even interview ideal client profiles to identify what their problems are and how my client’s business can solve those problems. Remember - your business is not about you, it’s about your people. And when you have gained so much knowledge about your people and their industry, it reflects in your approach. This expertise will allow to you charge a high ticket for your services and your target audience will not mind it (because - expert support!). Imagine if you can 2X your prices? And YES you can!

So to have a more profitable business, knowing who your audience is and understanding their problems inside-out is an absolute must!


Figuring out businesses in your industry that qualify as your competitors is essential. I recommend narrowing down at least 3 top competitors especially focusing on your local ones will be helpful in determining your own profitable brand strategy. The way I use this information when branding for creatives is by doing a complete analysis of the market and then strategizing on how I can differentiate my client from their competitors making them stand out. This research also reveals the gaps in the market that your business can swoop in to fill! That’s the perfect way to determine a unique positioning for your business allowing you to charge more leading to increased profitability.

And if you’re ever wondering how you can set your business apart to start attracting and converting high-paying clients, you will love this free guide + workbook I have created for you sharing my easy 2 step method!

There you go, friend. Although there are other elements as well that shape a brand’s strategy, these 4 elements are foundational. Allow these elements to work together in harmony and set your business up for profitability which can be 2X your current profits! If you found this post useful, just pin the above image to revisit it later.

Thursday, 3 June 2021



It’s never about being perfect. NOPE. As a matter of fact, no one - not even the most experienced or influential people in your industry that you look up to, is perfect (although it may seem like it from their beautifully curated Instagram feed. I know!). Everyone is figuring things out as they are building their businesses serving their people. Even while you are in the ‘I’ll figure it out’ mode, the key is to show up in a way that enables your target audience to trust you. For them, things need to add up and make sense. So with that fact on the table, I want to call this out:

“No one is perfect, it’s all about how confidently you are showing up for your people!”

Hubspot lays this viewpoint out so well by pointing out the direct correlation between confidence and self-esteem. If you are able to show up in your business confidently, that confidence will make you feel so sure about your abilities and it will reflect in the way you talk to your target audience.

Your confidence will:

  • attract high-paying clientele
  • justify your high-ticket prices without you having to convince potential clients or worse - undersell your services :(
  • create a good impression of your brand even before you get on a sales call or initial meeting
  • portray you as the expert

Now, you see what confidence can do for your creative service-based business? What you need is a boost of confidence so that you have all the ammunition you need to sell your high-ticket services online. For that, I’ve got 4 effective ways that will give you a big boost of confidence.


Find what sets you apart from everyone else when it comes to solving your dream client’s problems. You do not need 10 things, even 1 solid differentiating factor is enough. When you have that ONE thing nailed down (it may need deep thinking and multiple iterations) - that’s your North Star! Position your business and offerings around it. Make it visible across all touchpoints - in your marketing, on your website copy, social media messaging, etc. Let your uniqueness shine! Being clear on what makes your business unique, will help you confidently pitch your high-ticket services. When branding for creatives using my signature brand strategy process, my focus is on identifying and bringing out the unique selling point for my clients around which the whole brand will be built. This really sets the brand apart from its competitors and hence allows the brand to confidently show up. If you’re wondering how you can set your business apart to land high-paying clients, I’ve got you, my friend! Here is a free guide + workbook to help you clarify your brand’s positioning. Check it out!


Being super clear on why you are doing what you are doing, is huge in confidently showing up. This is the no-fluff way to bond with your audience & to sell confidently. When I first read about this concept coined by Simon Sinek in his book Start With Why, I was floored! With a sea of competition out there, the only reason your audience will choose you is if they believe what you believe. You have to be super clear of your brand’s why. And, when this why reflects in your day-to-day actions + messaging, you will confidently attract your people.


The quality of visuals and overall appearance says a lot about the quality of services you provide. Your visuals are one of the very first things that create an impression in the minds of your target audience. When potential clients come across your website or social media or through any touchpoint, good quality visuals instantly help them believe that your brand can be trusted. Poor quality visuals like low-resolution photography create doubts in the buyer’s mind. I specialize in branding for interior designers and creative service professionals in the premium space. Premium services like interior designing for example, where per project cost starts at an average of $8-10K, high-quality visuals play a huge role in building trust with the audience before landing the project. To confidently charge your worth, invest in professional photography. If you are unable to invest in brand photography, pick high-quality stock images that resonate with your brand values. My favorite places for stock images are - Pexels and Unsplash. Show up putting your best foot forward (because people judge!). Moreover, knowing that your brand’s appearance is great, will really boost your confidence when pitching your services.

You may also like: 5 Signs That Your Interior Design Business Is Hard To Trust & How To Fix It



Spend some time on your website. Don’t just let it be a prop. Make sure your website is focused on your target audience and their problems, not yourself. I see a lot of creatives make the mistake of using their website as a self-promoting tool. Through a well-structured website that makes your audience feel heard, you can build a level of trust ahead of your initial discovery call or meeting. Once they trust you, you can confidently convert them into paying clients. Make sure your website is fully thought through. The overall experience should be simple, clear and things should be easy to navigate for your audience. This will drastically increase your chances of conversions.

And, that’s that, friends. Now go work on applying these 4 tips in your business and get ready to sell your services super confidently!

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

What does storytelling have to do with your service-based business anyways?


Your story is uniquely yours. I see this a lot with my clients when I am working on branding for interior designers and other creative service professionals. Sometimes the simplest of things despite being so powerful get ignored. Your storytelling is one of them. So whether you are an interior designer, home stager, coach, copywriter, or any other creative entrepreneur - the story of how and why you started your business is always going to be unique. No matter how saturated your industry is, NO ONE has a story the same as yours and that is pure GOLD! It is one of those small but mighty things that will always help you to truly stand out as service providers no matter which platform you choose to share it on or even if you share it in person. Use it to authentically connect with your people attracting them towards you. The right people, YOUR people will resonate.

My studio specializes in branding for interior designers and one specific client example jumps at me right now as I am talking about storytelling. While working on the brand strategy for Polay Interiors, I realized how all interior designers flood their websites and social media with beautiful images of their projects (often times these images end up looking very similar). No doubt that visuals play a very important role in attracting people and making an impression, but words and visuals go hand in hand. This realization helped me bring out their unique story in the form of their logo design, brand values, messaging, tone, and voice that people can resonate with beyond the project pictures.

With that said, let me show you how you can craft your founder’s story in 3 easy steps!

What was your life like before you started your business?

This is where you share what you were going through as a creative. Maybe you were feeling stuck in your situation or burnt out doing things that you did not love like your corporate 9-5 job. This is the phase of your life where you were doing the doing but knew that something was not right.

What was the moment that changed everything?

This is the time when something shifted. Your mindset totally leveled up and you made the big decision to start your entrepreneurial journey! You had a realization of how you could turn your life around beginning with turning around your current situation which was not making you happy.

What is your like like now as a creative business owner and how has it changed for the better?

Although being an entrepreneur is definitely not easy, it is very fulfilling at the same time to see your dreams coming to life. Everything that once felt wrong, is now magically reversed.

So now simply combine the above 3 steps.


That’s it! There you have it - your authentic founder’s story that will instantly set you apart from your competition! Don’t hesitate in going a little deep and being a little vulnerable. Your rawness will create the space for an emotional connection to foster between you and your ideal audience. Looking for a real example of how to write your founder’s story? I got you, my friend! Head over to this
Instagram post I wrote, sharing my own founder’s story. Hope you find the inspiration from my story to write your own.

Now once you’ve got your founder’s story working to attract your people, how can we make sure that your brand is set up to impress them and allow them to convert into dream clients? I have 4 ways to help you do exactly that :)