Sunday, 28 February 2021

Branding For Interior Designers | Twelve & Twenty Eight



Getting new business and working with dream clients is exciting for interior designers! For this to happen, you need your people to get on a call with you to experience your magic and understand exactly how your services will help them reach their dream home goals. The more conversations you have, the more chances there are for conversions to happen. When branding for interior designers, I make sure that we are not losing business because of a bad website user experience.

When you are offering high-ticket services, your processes should be solid so that your people feel guided. Therefore, it’s a great practice to lead the way for your potential clients to follow so that they know the next step they need to take to work with you or at the very least get in touch with you.

So here’s a quick and simple website automation tip for you to implement right away that will ensure a smooth and profitable client experience!

Make sure that you have a clear Call To Action button right at the beginning of the homepage of your website and also throughout it if it’s a long scroll. It could be a simple “Book A Consultation” or “Schedule A Call”, etc. Link this button to your preferred scheduler - Calendly, Acuity, or any other. I personally use Calendly and love it, it’s so easy to set up! But you can go with whatever works best for you.

This simple automation put in place by interior designers provides a hassle-free experience to your potential clients as you can avoid the manual back & forth of scheduling a time to get together. This ensures that you’re not losing any business from the get-go because of the lack of a clear next step.

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