Saturday, 27 August 2022

Your service brand’s logo: 4 tips to use it to stand out

You’ve heard this a million times. But let’s call it out clearly. Your brand’s logo is a key visual piece that is the face of your business. It is a visual touch point that helps your current and future audience perceive your business, relate to, and also recognize it.

Through this article, I want to share 4 tips with you on how you can use your brand’s logo efficiently and effectively so as to stand out when your target audience comes across your business and is ready to hire. Alright then, let’s go!

Attract with a story-based logo design

We’ve all been there. We have all wondered what the big company logos mean, signify, and represent. And once we found out the meaning and story behind the company logos, we started relating to them much more on an emotional level than we ever did. Be it the super-loved coffee brand Starbucks, the tech industry disrupter Apple, Amazon that redefined the definition of eCommerce, or the world’s largest ice-cream chain Baskin Robbins; they all have meaningful, story-based logos.

The point I’m trying to make here is that you can take cues from these big company logos. Make sure that your brand’s logo is not some generic pretty looking design but rather a custom design that reflects your story/values/work in a neat and simple way. This timeless piece of visual design sparks curiosity in your target audience’s minds. Address this curiosity by sharing the meaning behind your brand’s logo design wherever you feel it is appropriate like your website or social media. This is an interesting way to uniquely stand out in your own industry!

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2. use your brand’s logo consistently

If you worked with a professional brand identity designer for your brand’s logo design, you most likely received a complete logo package with all the versions of your brand’s logo as a deliverable of the service along with education on how to use them. Each version is designed for a specific use case and to effectively brand your service business I want to emphasize one thing - use each version of your brand’s logo very consistently.

For example, your main logo is the primary visual representation that must be used most often in all places that your brand shows up like your website, brand collateral, invoices, contracts, and marketing material both digital and print. Only in really small spaces like social media profile images, small print merchandise, etc should you use the secondary version of your brand’s logo also known as the logo mark.

By following these easy rules and caring about how your brand shows up, you increase the memorability of your brand’s logo in the minds of your target audience helping them relate to your brand better. That is one of the ways you can stand out as a professional service provider.

3. get creative with print media

So you have a professionally designed, meaningful, timeless logo design that you love! You have it perched proudly at the top of your website, on your various social media profiles, and on a few other branded collateral. But what more can you do with it? So much more!

Promote brand awareness, a positive brand association, and increase memorability in the minds of your target audience by using your brand’s logo on merchandise. Get creative with print media! For yourself, branded merchandise can be really cool props for your brand photoshoots! When marketing your service business, Vistaprint has a ton of options to print swag with your brand’s logo on merchandise. Even when sending gifts to your clients, branded merchandise can be a really fun and creative way to stand out. Online gifting portals like Greetabl allow you to add your brand’s logo to make a gift personalized and OnGoody offers custom printing on branded merchandise for gifting to clients. Super fun!

Here’s an example of one of my interior designer clients Dan Rak Design flaunting their brand’s logo mark that I designed for them on tees that their team wears when they go for installations. It gives their brand a much more professional and consistent feel.

4. use your brand’s logo on every touch point

You’re running a service business so it’s highly likely that you’re creating content on a regular basis for brand awareness, getting your name out, reaching more target audiences, making connections, getting more leads, and on a high level - staying on top of mind. Whether it is creating graphics for social media, your business card, or marketing material for a podcast that you host, everything that leads your target audience to your brand is a touch point. And so, adding your brand’s face/brand’s logo to each entry point or touch point is another way to stand out in a high-quality, professional manner.


You’re doing the hard work each day, every day and your business deserves to reach the dream next level. If you feel like your brand and website design lacks the special sauce that will help you stand out in your industry and confidently attract ideal clients, let's chat about creating strategic branding and website design for you.


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